Our Blog

Limp and Abnormal Hand Movement

Posted: November 8, 2014
By: Dr Kevin Jackson

Beautiful Story - this precious child was brought into our office for a limp and abnormal hand movement. We noticed a dilated pupil so referred her to Hershey Hospital. She eventually had a CAT Scan and then brain surgery for a tumor. The parents didn't have health insurance so Hershey did the complex surgery for free .... yes free. The beautiful part of the story is that she is happy and regaining her health. Her parents got her checked and adjusted because they want to do everything possible for her to survive and thrive! ♡

Sense of Smell Came Back

Posted: October 30, 2014
By: Dr Kevin Jackson

Sense of smell came back!

This fantastic lady said today, "please do that adjustment on my neck again, I was able to smell things again." I asked if she had sinus problems and she said no. She went on to say that she hasn’t had a sense of smell for 6 years and after being adjusted last time her sense of smell kicked in.

The power the body has to heal itself is pretty amazing. :)

22 Years of Having MS

Posted: October 27, 2014
By: Dr Kevin Jackson

This beautiful lady told me, "after 22 years of having MS I am currently stable and am no longer on any type of therapy or medicines. I attribute that stability largely on my chiropractic care from you and Dr. Selina. Over the years I was on 4 forms of disease modifying drugs. Two were shots I administered myself, one was a monthly IV infusion and the last one was in a pill form. NOTHING can cure the disease but chiropractic care is certainly a positive form of healthcare," today at the office! 

Love her ♡

Monthly Chiropractic Fellowship of Pennsylvania Meeting

Posted: October 20, 2014
By: Dr Kevin Jackson

Monthly Chiropractic Fellowship of Pennsylvania Meeting - Drs. James Sheaffer, Angela Payne Lindenmuth, Selina Sigafoose Jackson and Kevin Jackson.

Topic: Chiropractic Certainty Equivalent

James talked about NUCCA, Selina gave an overview on Functional MRI studies and cerebral spinal fluid, Angela on intention while adjusting and I spoke about philosophical, technical, scientific and business certainty.

Chiropractic philosophy is meant for the world and not just an exclusive group. Come join us. :)

We Laughed with and Loved People

Posted: August 5, 2014
By: Dr Kevin Jackson

Sig and I back in the day ... we used to do Higher Grounds Seminars out of the Sigafoose and Jackson office. We laughed with and loved people more than anything!!

I Think I Have a Subluxation

Posted: July 28, 2014
By: Dr Kevin Jackson

HISTORY MADE: This young nursing student came in today while on break from Pensacola Christian College. She is in the Nursing Program and said, "I want to get checked, I think I have a subluxation. I learned about them at nursing school and I have this pain running down my leg." 

She learned about a chiropractic subluxation at nursing school ... HOW AWESOME!!!

Patients Became Chiropractors

Posted: July 25, 2014
By: Dr Kevin Jackson

Brought 4 students / patients from my office plus my 2 girls to Life University this weekend. All 6 have decided to become chiropractors and attend LIFE CHIROPRACTIC. Couldn't be happier!!!

Blind Spot in Her Vision

Posted: June 2, 2014
By: Dr Kevin Jackson

This precious lady came in a year ago for low back pain. She noticed one day after having C1 adjusted that a blind spot in her vision "black hole" went away. We continued to check / adjust C1 as needed over the past year and today she came in crying. She stated, "that her ophthalmologist told her that her severe macular degeneration had reversed over the past year ... he'd never seen anything like it." She said it’s got to be, "THAT ATLAS ADJUSTMENT." All I know is that she gets regular care and she is HAPPY!!

Encouragement Award

Posted: May 30, 2014
By: Dr Kevin Jackson

Had a patient Dave present me with an award today (a 1st in our practice). He called it the Encouragement Award! Dave was physically, mentally and even spirituality encouraged!

Enclosed was a letter describing how he first started at our office in extreme pain and poor health. Then progressed to being totally healthy and fully functioning.

The most striking paragraph was his description of how he understands that the body has the ability to heal itself according to Gods design as long as it’s functioning properly through a healthy spine and nervous system. This was a revelation for Dave!

The picture is of Dave with his amazing golf swing enjoying his life. Chiropractic is really amazing when someone gets the big idea. Thanks for making my day Dave, I love and appreciate you Brother!

Care During Her Entire Pregnancy

Posted: May 30, 2014
By: Dr Kevin Jackson

This beautiful momma was under care during her entire pregnancy and delivered in ONLY 2 HOURS! Both baby and mom got checked today!!
